Divshot Jekyll hosting

I used to host this site on Heroku but have now moved to a platform build for static sites, or as Divshot puts it: Static Web Hosting for Developers. Setting up the site on Divshot was a breeze, took just a couple of seconds from when I started reading the documentation to when I had the site up and running. And they even have a free plan for small sites like this one.

Continious deployment with CircleCI

My previous setup allowed me to just push my updates to the Github repository and have Heroku pull the changes and update the site automatically. The new setup uses CircleCI to accomplish the same. Add your Divshot token to the environment variables on CircleCi (more info) and then tell it to deploy on successful deploy by adding this to the circle.yml file in the root of the repository:

- bundle exec jekyll build
branch: master
- npm install -g divshot-cli
- divshot push production —token $DIVSHOT_TOKEN
branch: /(^(?!master$).*$)/
- npm install -g divshot-cli
- divshot push staging —token $DIVSHOT_TOKEN

It will deploy the master branch to the production environment and all other branches to the staging environment. All automatically when pushing to Github.